What is the Marriage Enrichment Weekend?
The Marriage Enrichment Weekend is a positive and personal experience for all couples which offer them a technique of loving communication that they can use for the rest of their lives. It is an opportunity to look deeply into their relationship with each other and with God. Also, it is a time to share their feelings, their thoughts, their hopes, fears, joys and frustrations. The M.E. Weekend is not a retreat, nor is it a marriage clinic or sensitivity course. It is not a time to delve at the past, but rather to look to your future together. The M.E. weekend is a positive, simple, common sense experience between husband and wife, that revitalizes marriage by enabling couples to see what their relationship could and should be.
Who is it for?
M.E. Weekend is for Catholic couples who want to enrich their marriage. The weekend is designed to expand and deepen the joys a couple share together, whether they have been married for a short time, or for many years. What happens at the M.E. Weekend? An atmosphere is created on the weekend in which the couple can concentrate exclusively on one another. A series of talks are given by a team of trained couples, and a Priest or Deacon. These talks provide the husband and wife the opportunity to look at themselves as individuals and look at their relationship with each other, with God and with the community. The weekend starts on a Saturday morning and runs until about 7:00pm on Sunday afternoon. Meals are provided. Does the Weekend respect the couple’s privacy? Yes! The emphasis of the M.E. Weekend is on the communication between the husband nad wife. You concentrate on your spouse to such extent that you are hardly aware of the presence of other couples. Presentations are given to the group, as a whole. After each presentation, the husband and wife are given time for personal dialogue, in the privacy of their own room. There is no group discussion.
How much does it cost?
A non-refundable registration fee of $150 is required to confirm your reservation, food and lodging. There is limited xapacity, so early registration is encouraged. If you are ready to register, you will find a registration form here. No couple is ever denied the chance to enrich their marriage because they are facing financial difficulties. This concern should not influence your decision to attend the Marriage Enrichment Weekend. We are a non-profit organization and would not want to deprive anyone who is unable to afford the cost from being blessed by this enriching weekend. Please let us know your special situation (either by calling or writing us); we will be most happy to accommodate your request with utmost confidentiality. On the weekend, you will be requested to make an offering. This voluntary donation will help cover the expenses for the next M.E. Weekend. Donations and contributions given to the M.E.F.P can be offered confidentially, and are tax deductible.